Terms and Policies



 Welcome to the official blog of VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER [SINCE:1981]!

 We value your concerns and take care to provide a good browsing experience. These terms of use (including referred sites and the other documents referred to in it) informs about the terms and conditions, policies and general guidelines by which you may access or make use of our blog https://vigilsinteriordecorandfurnish.blogspot.com and its content. Use of our site includes accessing, browsing, or signing newsletter on our site. These terms are also applicable to all our official social media sites [Including Facebook, Instagram and other such] and our content across many sites/platforms on the internet. All parts of this site are under the supervision of VIGIL Interior Decoration, VIGIL Arts and Crafts and their proprietors [Or acknowledged persons]. We honour all your privileges and make significant efforts to provide a better and simple surfing throughout our website.

If you are interested to promote us for free in your publications, sites or other articles, please contact us on 24x7 Helpline: +91 9846083076 or write to us at vigilsinteriors@gmail.com [See below]. You must promote us only in fair manner and only in the brand name of VIGIL Interior Decoration and Furnishing Center. We recommend you to take our prior permission or inform us before doing so. However, this prior permission is not mandatory. 

 We recommend you to read these terms and conditions carefully before you start to access or browse our site or/and social media. By using our site, you confirm that you accept and acknowledge with these legally bound terms of use and agree to comply with them. If you do not agree to these terms of use, you must discontinue using our site.

For more details, enquiries, feedback or to promote us, feel free to call us on 24x7 Helpline: 9846083076.




The following expressions applies to these Terms and Policies:  “You” and “Your” refers to you, the person visiting or browsing [In direct sense] on this website and compliant to the Company’s terms and conditions. “Center”, “Institution”, “Ourselves”, “We”, “Our” and “Us”, refers to our Institution and/or their proprietors. “Party”, “Parties”, or “Us”, refers to both the visitor and ourselves. VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER [SINCE:1981] also legally known as/means same as VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATIONS & FURNISHINGS. Any use of the above terms or other words in the singular, plural, capitalization and/or he/she or they, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to same.



Happy to help you!

We take necessary steps to provide you a great browsing experience. If these terms did not answer to your question, feel free to ask us. If you need more support, face any technical issues on our site, or have suggestions, please call us on 24x7 Helpline: +91 9846083076 or write to us at vigilsinteriors@gmail.com



 The site vigilsinteriordecorandfurnish.blogspot.com and all our content in different platforms on internet are owned, operated and controlled by Proprietors of VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER [SINCE:1981] Ltd and VIGIL ARTS & CRAFTS TRAINING CENTER [SINCE:1981] Ltd. Our centre is Google verified, and have 40 years of experience and heritage. We have all legally bound documents and rights reserved for our brand name and content. The proprietors reserve the complete rights over this institution, intellectual properties of the site and contents published on it and we have no endorsement and association with any other brand, institution, company or person. All the contents including images are published on the site by our proprietors or acknowledged person[s].


Our institution is situated in  Pattom Junction, ‘Vrindavan Gardens’, Near P.S.C office & P.F office,  Opposite Pattom bus-stop & Post office, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. We have no other branches. But our services are available 24x7 irrespective of your location. We provide services only from our institution situated at Pattom Junction, Near P.F Office, Trivandrum-695004.

It’s legal offence to copy our brand name or images or any other content for promoting any other institutions or persons other than VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATIONS & FURNISHINGS [SINCE:1981].


For our location, search on Google or Google Maps as: VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER or call us on 24x7 Helpline: +91 9846083076. We are happy to hear from you!



You are permitted to promote our institution for free in your site, publication, media or article only in good and favourable manner, with/without our prior consent. Here, ‘You’ can represents a person, news journal, company or group. This permission is to promote us, both non-commercial and commercial purpose, only in the brand name of VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER [SINCE:1981], VIGIL ARTS & CRAFTS TRAINING CENTER [SINCE:1981], or in the name of their proprietors. However, we recommend you to take prior permission or let us know about your promotion by contacting us on 24x7 Helpline: +91 9846083076 or mailing us at vigilsinteriors@gmail.com, although this is not mandatory. We are happy to assist you!


● You can take our prior permission by calling or mailing us. However this is not mandatory [Unless you did not violate our policy or harm our reputation]. But we strongly recommend you to inform us about your promotion by contacting us on 24x7 Helpline: +91 9846083076 or mailing us at vigilsinteriors@gmail.com.



● You should promote our contents only in the name of VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER [SINCE:1981]. Otherwise, it’s illegal.

● You are permitted for linking to our site, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage our reputation or take advantage of it.

● We recommend you to create link to our home page rather than other pages.

● You must promote us only in fair manner and must not damage our reputation or take benefit of it.

● The proprietors reserve the complete rights over this institution and proprietary content published on it and we have no endorsement or association with any other brand, institution, company or person.

●We have the right to withdraw linking permission without prior notice.


Feel free to speak more about these rights and permissions. Call us on 24x7 Helpline: 9846083076.



We periodically update or change our site and it’s content to make our site visitor-friendly. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time without any prior notice. We may suspend, withdraw, discontinue or change all or any part of our site and revise or amend these terms and conditions at any time and these amended changes are effective immediately after published and binding for all those who access/browse on our site.


Usually, all the contents including images are published on our site after the verification of our proprietors. This site is maintained with the acknowledgement of VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATIONS & FURNISHINGS [SINCE:1981] Ltd. We take extreme care to make our site up-to-date. However, there may some out-dated content or errors on our site caused by inadvertent reasons.

If you notice any error or out-dated content on our site, feel free to report it to us.



We give you a limited and temporary permission for accessing and browsing our site and it is “as is” basis. We do not make charges for browsing or accessing our site and made available free of charge. We take extreme care to provide you a great and uninterrupted browsing experience. However, we are not responsible for any inadvertent reasons that may occur. This site is mainly meant for personal and domestic purpose.


By accessing our site, you are acknowledged and legally bound by the user agreements and rules. You must not violate our policies [Including Copyright] or terms of use while browsing. We reserve the right to ban anyone from accessing or browsing our site and its content, if we notice any illegal actions from you or if in our reasonable opinion you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of terms of use. We have the right to take legal actions and necessary steps against those who violate our terms of use or make advantage of us in unfair manner without prior notice.



Proprietors of VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER [SINCE:1981] reserve the legal rights on the brand name, logo, content, images, description and other proprietary materials including intellectual property on our site. This is also applicable to our blog, official social media and material/content published across different platforms on the internet.

We have 40 years of heritage and reserve the legal rights and copyright on our brand names VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATIONS & FURNISHINGS [SINCE:1981] and VIGIL ARTS & CRAFTS TRAINING CENTER [SINCE:1981], logo and other proprietary materials. It’s legal offence to copy our brand name or use, redistribute or reproduce any of our content [including, but not limited to, text, images, photos or proprietary materials] across different platforms in the internet, in the name/label of any other institution or person other than our proprietors. The compilation of all the content on our site, including, but not limited to, text, images, videos, sound, graphics, design, button icon, audio clips, programmes, data compilation, written and other proprietary materials are the exclusive property of VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATIONS & FURNISHINGS [SINCE:1981] and the proprietors are owner or the licensee of all intellectual property and other proprietary materials on the site. Copyright protection is legal protection enacted by government to our authorized proprietors of VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATIONS & FURNISHINGS [SINCE:1981] and modifying or copying or linking the proprietary materials will depiction to legal liability.


Our agency is always monitoring for such legal offence and takes strict legal actions against them.


By browsing this site, user acknowledges and agree that you should not  modify, copy, reproduce, distribute , change, publish, redistribute, retransmit, illustrate, transmit, damage, alter or misuse any of the content including text, images, photos, video or audio sequences or any graphics separately from any accompanying text, other content as a part or whole, or proprietary materials on our site or our content on any platforms on the internet and site visitors/users should not participate in the transfer or sale, commercial exploitation of the downloaded material, create derivative works, or in any way take advantage of, any of the content, in whole or in part of us. Any violation of our copyright policy, content rights, trademarks rights, intellectual property rights and terms of use will be liable for legal actions.


This site is mainly meant for personal and domestic purpose.

All the content, on our site, or other platforms on the internet, or on our official blog and official social medias are owned by VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATIONS & FURNISHINGS [SINCE:1981]. You are permitted to save, download, use some of our content intended solely for personal use only in the brand name of VIGIL Interior Decorations and Furnishings, and not for commercial use. Otherwise, it will treat as illegal. You must not use any part of the content on our site for commercial purposes without obtaining a license/permission to do so from us. Commercial use of our content without our prior permission is strictly prohibited and we reserve the right to remove those contents and are treated as offensive. We reserve the right to take strict legal actions against those who violate our terms of use or copy our brand name, logo, images, other content or proprietary materials in the name of any other persons, institutions or sites. Feel free to call us to speak more about this on 24x7 Helpline: 9846083076.



We usually provide free entry for all our events. You also have the choice for pre-booking our events by calling us on 24x7 Helpline: +91 9846083076 or mailing us at vigilsinteriors@gmail.com. We take extreme care to provide the accurate and up-to-date details of our events including place, time or duration.


We generally provide discount for all products buying from our centre. Our offer valid only up to the time mentioned or till the stock lasts. You must reveal/disclose the offer code to enjoy the privilege of offer if we mentioned the code along with it. You should not swap, share or pass the privileged code that is solely given to you and permitted to use only by you. We reserve the right to withdraw the promotional code at any time if we detect any violation of our terms of use.


However, we are not responsible for the changes caused by inadvertent reasons and reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies or omissions and to change or update information at any time.

 We will inform the changes on our site if any occur and will also inform the changes to all those who pre-booked our events. 



Our newsletter subscription is made completely free of charge. This service is available without any duration or service limit. You need only to enter a valid E-Mail address to enjoy the benefits of this service. We provide tips, latest news, events alerts, offers info and other useful piece of information through this service. We may personalize the newsletter sending to each person as each customer is valuable to us.

We clearly understand the significance of your email id [personal information] and maintain the information and credential shared with us confidentially. We will not use your information or any credentials shared with us for any future use and will not disclose it to any third party. VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATIONS & FURNISHINGS directly controls the email id [Inevitable to enable you to become our subscription based service] and protected highly and do not share, disclose or allow any other persons or third-party to access them. Copying and forwarding/resending our newsletter is not allowed. We only grant the right to share the newsletter.


For any enquiries or to change current subscription mail id, feel free to call us on 24x7 Helpline: 9846083076 or mail us at vigilsinteriors@gmail.com

 If you have failed to comply with any of these provisions of terms and conditions or we notice any illegal practise, or we suspect any inaccurate or incorrect information in our reasonable ground, we reserve the right to refuse service, ban or remove you from newsletter subscription list without any prior notice. Also we go-through each subscription request in detail as a part of our endorse procedure to provide better browsing experience and have no obligation to accept all the requests.


For any help, enquiries or to add you directly to the list, please call us on 24x7 Helpline: +91 98460 83076



We value your concern about online privacy and your browsing experience is our top priority. We treat all the information and credentials that you provide or share with us as extreme confidential and take intense care to protect them.

Your personal message, account information, e-mail id and any other piece of information/credential will not be shared with anyone. Also we will not use your information for any future use and will not disclose it to any third party. You are also responsible to ensure that all your information shared with us should not disclose with any other any third party or untrusted source. We do not store the visitors information. We undoubtedly understand the significance of your personal information and give top-most priority to your browsing protection.

VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER directly controls the email id [Inevitable to enable you to become our subscription based service] and protected highly and do not share, disclose or allow any other persons or third-party to access them. We also keep the confidential way of interacting with our customers in our blog and official social media accounts. Our agency take extreme care in providing you a safe browsing experience on our site.


To the full extend permissible by applicable law, VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATIONS & FURNISHINGS, disclaims all terms, liability and policies, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, warranties and above terms and conditions. The proprietors reserve the complete rights over this institution, intellectual properties of the site and contents published on it and we have no endorsement and association with any other brand, institution, company or person. VIGIL Interior Decorations and Furnishings directly controls the personal information share with us and protect those to maximum extend and do not share, disclose or allow any other persons or third-party to access them.


We take extreme care to provide a great browsing experience to you. We take immense effort to keep our site up-to-date. However, there may some out-dated content, technical problems, omissions or errors on our site caused by inadvertent reasons and we are not liable to you. We are not answerable for the loss, damage, or of nature whatsoever, caused by our site or its content. We will not be liable to you if for any reason our site is misused by others or interruptions caused by technical problems. In no event shall, we be liable for any incidental, indirect or consequence damage caused by our site. We may amend these terms and conditions at any time and these changes are binding immediately to all visitors and users and cannot dispute on the basis of these terms. You agrees that you indemnify and defend and depart our proprietors and VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATIONS & FURNISHINGS from any, and all third-party claims and liability caused by browsing this site or the breach of our terms. We waive any claims that you may have in this behalf under any applicable law. We are not responsible for the errors or mis-interpretations on our site caused by any translation services on the net. Our site and its contents are best viewed in English [U.S]. Our site may contain links to other sites and resources provided by third parties and these links are meant for helping and providing a great browsing experience for the visitors. We are not responsible for the loss or any such caused by these links. However, we take extreme care to ensure that these links are secured and up to the level of expectation.


Our site is meant only for personal and domestic use. You are permitted to save, download, use some of our content intended solely for personal use only in the brand name of VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER [SINCE:1981] and not for commercial use. Otherwise, it will treat as illegal. If you have any commercial purpose, you should take prior permission from our proprietors by calling us. By browsing this site, user acknowledges and agrees that you should not modify, copy, reproduce, distribute or misuse any of the content or other proprietary materials on our site or our content across any platforms on the internet, as a part or whole. Any violation of our copyright policy, content rights, trademarks rights, intellectual property rights and terms of use will be liable for legal actions. All the content, brand name, logo, images and other proprietary materials, on our site, on our official blog and official social medias or other platforms across the internet are owned by VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER [SINCE:1981] and the proprietors reserve the legal right and license over them.

You are permitted to promote us only in the brand name VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER [SINCE:1981] and only with our prior permission. You must not use any part of the content on our site for commercial purposes without obtaining a license/permission to do so from us. Commercial use of our content without our prior permission is strictly prohibited and we reserve the right to remove those contents and are treated as offensive. Those who violate our terms or copy our brand name, logo, images or content or proprietary materials in the name of any other persons/institutions is liable for legal offense. Feel free to call us to speak more about this.


Unauthorized access of our site is not allowed. You are not permitted for copying or modifying our content, provide inaccurate, false or misleading information to us. In our reasonable opinion, if we suspect any illegal actions, inaccurate information [provided by you], or if you breach the user agreement, policies and terms of use, and other documents incorporated therein by reference, we reserve the right to ban you from visiting our site and to remove you from our subscription list. We reserve the right to take legal actions under permissible law and other necessary steps those who violate these terms and policies. If you wish to speak more than that set out above, please contact on 24x7 Helpline: 9846083076.




 If you want to order for a product, to choose a payment or shipping method, or have any enquiries, feel free to call us on 24x7 Helpline: +91 9846083076 or mail us at: vigilsinteriors@gmail.com


Our products are usually available till the stock last.

 However, if you demand for that product, you can order/book for that particular one by calling us and we will honour your order. Company will notify each of the order status and other details as soon as possible.


We also provide other products other than displayed on the ‘Online shop’ page. You can check out our other products/services from services list page [http://vigilsinteriordecoration.com/services/] and these services are provided only if you order.


2. From Where To Buy and How To buy

We usually sell products from our institution. We do not sell these products from any other outlets.

 However, we may deliver these products by other shipping methods too only if the customers demand for to do so.

 Advantages of purchasing directly from institution:

● Provides discount for each purchase

● We will customize the selected products to your requirement and desire for free.

● This shopping method make more transparency in sales and to follow the popular fact that ‘live display is better for customers to choose and review products’

● Provide all the necessary instructions and guidelines. Wash and care instructions for garments and care instructions for handicraft products will be given from our centre.

How We Craft: Quality Guidelines


We take extreme care from the very first step of material selection. We hand-pick each material to craft the finest designer and handicraft products for the ultimate beauty and durability. With our strict quality guidelines, we make each of our products to withstand for a longer period. These products are perfectly handcrafted by the expert designer team and skilled labours of our centre. Our each product is unique in all respects.

Exchange Policy

We value you not only before doing purchase, but also after the sales. If you are not fully satisfied, or face any issues [such as size correction], feel free to contact us and we will rectify your problem.

Eligibility for return and exchange:

● You must return within 10 days of delivery or purchase date. Otherwise, your request will be either reviewed in detail or sometimes, ignored.

● The product must be unused, unworn, undamaged, unwashed and un–customized state.

● You must submit the original purchase bill.

● Liability restricted to replacement of products only. Sometimes, complete refund of money is not permitted. However, both these are possible only after the quality check-up of returned product by our team.

● If you purchase product directly from our institution, you get the chance to direct review of our product in detail. Then, refund of money is not possible and product exchange facility is only available. Refund of money in this case only if genuine cause is noticed.

● In the time of exchange, if there is price difference between the returned product and the new product, the customer should pay the difference.

VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATION & FURNISHING CENTER have the complete discretion of the returned product and its eligibility for exchange.

General Information

We take generally 2-5 working days to deliver the products that you ordered. If the quantity is more or the product is under production, it may take few more days. However, we will notice you [from the details you provided] about the product status and dispatched date as soon as you order.

● If we mentioned any code with the offer, you should disclose the code when asked. Offer valid only till the time mentioned or till the stock last. Promotional code should be used only by you and you should not exchange the offer code given to you with others.

● We have the right to accept or reject any orders, which is in contradiction of our company or its policy, without any prior notice.

● We take utmost care in providing up-to-date stock status and even the minor

product details on our site. However we are not responsible for inadvertent reasons including faster selling of products.

VIGIL INTERIOR DECORATIONS & FURNISHINGS reserve the complete discretion on the product and its sales.


For any enquiries, support or feedback, please call us on 24x7 Helpline: +91 9846083076 or write to us at vigilsinteriors@gmail.com

Contact Form


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